Water Conditioning

Water Conditioning

At Suburban Installers, we go the extra step to provide water conditioning to our customers. Sometimes well water can have white spotting, unpleasant odors, orange staining, or just have sediment in. We will test the water to come up with the best solution to treat your water.

Water Treatment is the final stage of your water system, this where raw well water can be turned into clean soft water. This part is extremely important because you do not want all of your new fixtures and clothing stained from the minerals in the water.

Why Condition my well water?

  • Remove sand and particles
  • Eliminates hard water white spots
  • Easier cleaning of bathrooms/kitchens
  • Better for appliances
  • Use less soap/detergents
  • Better for septic fields
  • Better for skin & hair
  • Eliminate “rotten egg” smell
  • No need to use harsh iron cleaners
  • Bottled water quality drinking water
  • Remove dangerous minerals
Water Softener

Water Conditioning

Almost every well will need a water softener, some will also require an iron filter. The hardness is found naturally in the water in the form of calcium and magnessium. This is what causes white spots on glasses and makes the soap hard to lather up. The dried up minerals are also present on your skin even after taking a shower, resulting in dried out itchy skin.

Iron Filters

Water Conditioning

If your well water has a high amount of iron content in it, an iron filter may be needed. This filter looks much like a softener, except it does not use any salt. It simply collects the iron and back-washes it away by using raw well water. This leaves the softener to do its job of taking out the hardness without over working it and fouling up the control valve.  Another common problem in well water is a “rotten egg” smell. This smell is from the mineral Sulfur, which is naturally found sometimes in well water. An iron filter will pretty much remove all of the sulfur from the water and also any iron that is present.

Reverse Osmosis

Water Conditioning

A reverse osmosis system (RO) is the answer to great tasting pure drinking water. The system will filter out an average of 95% of unwanted dissolved solids and minerals found naturally in water. This includes: arsenic, nitrates, lead, chlorine, copper and many more. This is the same technology used by many of the big water bottling companies. If you have a steel well that has a high amount of scale or a well that has sediment in it, a high flow cartridge filter is the answer. We like to install 4″ diameter x 20″ filter housings, this allows maximum flow with little pressure drop.

Still have questions about water conditioning?

Call us Today: (586) 646-4500


A Suburban Installer always does the job correctly, and it is aesthetically pleasing when completed. Tanks and plumbing are straight and 100% functional.  We are proud of our work.

We’re proud of our long-standing history of four generations and well-earned reputation since 1963

Our policy is crystal clear. We will never compromise on the water quality or the health of your family. We have the finest reputations in the industry, built on quality and dependability.